First 30 Days & Phases
At Tender Loving Christ, we are dedicated to understanding your goals and helping you achieve them. As a guest, you will have the tools and support needed to succeed in living a life free from addiction. We are excited to welcome you to our faith-based sober living community at TLC.
The first 30 days of your faith-based sober living journey are crucial. As a new guest, you will have an initial meeting with our Executive Director Leanne. During this meeting, you will create a list the of your own growth and spiritual goals that you want to achieve during your stay at TLC. These goals may include obtaining your driver's license, resources for legal support, child custody/support resources. After creating these individualized goals and phases, they will be approved by the Director.
During the first 30 days, you will be in a trial period. This period is meant to ensure that TLC is the right fit for you.